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Using Scotts® STEP® 4 Fall Lawn Food is a great way to strengthen your lawn before the winds of winter cut across it. It helps your lawn build stronger roots for the winter. You'll see a thicker, greener lawn in spring thanks to using Scotts® STEP® 4 Fall Lawn Food. Utilize the entire Scotts® 4 Step program for a better lawn!
Apply to a wet or dry lawn on a calm day. No need to water in, however, during dry periods, watering will hasten greening. For best results, apply using a Scotts® spreader.
Pine Tree Farms Le Petit Superior Blend Classic Seed Log
Pine Tree Farms Le Petit Nutsie Classic Seed Log
Pine Tree Farms Le Petit Woodpecker Classic Seed Log
Jonathan Green Veri-Green Starter Fertilizer for Seeding & Sodding
Boss Split Cowhide Leather Glove